Monday, October 11, 2004

Lutheran Helps for WEEK FOUR

Because different folks began reading on differnt days, the Lutheran Helps make reference only to the number of the days according to “The Purpose Driven Life” and not the calendar. The Lutheran Helps are offered as a dialog partner for your reading and small group conversations. May God continue to bless us as individuals and as a congregation as we travel this Journey of Discipleship.

Day 22: Created to Become Like Christ
Lutherans would understand the goal of the Christian life is to "return to the baptismal font" until we have the mind and heart of Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit. As Luther says in the Third Article of the Creed: I believe that I cannot by my own effort or understanding believe in Jesus Christ my Lord, or come to him. But the Holy Spirit has called me through the Gospel, enlightened me with his gifts, and sanctified and kept me in true faith. In the same way the Holy Spirit calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth, and keeps it united with Jesus Christ in the one true faith.
We are all works in progress. We cooperate and make ourselves available to the Holy Spirit and give ourselves to the faith practices that God uses to form us. It’s not so much imitation as inhabitation. We pray that the Incarnation we witness in Jesus happens to us. God invades and occupies our lives. We invite God to do so.

Day 23: How We Grow
Baptists emphasize a conscious decision made by the individual. Lutherans emphasize God’s decision about us, and our decision to respond to Christ, through the community. WE CAN LEARN FROM EACH OTHER HERE. Jesus calls, and we respond. As Warren mentions, we are not working to “earn or deserve” our salvation. That has been won for us through Jesus. But we make conscious choices to grow in our relationship with Christ. Faith practices take intention. Just as we make conscious decisions about what we eat or how much we exercise or study, so we make decisions about praying, reading Scripture, worshipping, using our gifts, inviting others, giving of our time and resources, and serving others. To get better at music, sports or a hobby, it takes practice. That’s the way we are designed. Likewise, practicing our faith helps us live as disicples.

Day 24: Transformed by Truth
As Luther said, the Bible is the cradle in which we discover Christ. The Bible is the Word of God. It reveals God’s character, love and purpose. But the Word of God is most fully known in Jesus, the Word made flesh. The Bible is God’s love letter to us. As we read and reflect on its message, we encounter the living God.

Day 25: Transformed by Trouble
Lutherans do not necessarily believe that God has a purpose behind every problem. Our perspective is that God can use every problem/situation to serve God’s ultimate purposes. Why do bad things happen to good people? It is the question of Job and Jesus. Warren gives the sense that God allows suffering or causes it, as opposed to a Lutheran perspective of God enduring it, entering it, and overcoming it with us.

In this chapter we deal with what is sometimes called “God’s permissive will.” Does God control everything that happens or does God permit it to happen as a matter of human choice or circumstance? Lutherans believe that ultimately God will get what God wants. This is predestination. But God does not manipulate everything that happens. Romans 8:28 indicates that God is working with us to serve God’s ultimate purpose. Philippians 4 would indicate that we should “rejoice and give thanks” NOT FOR everything but IN everything.

Day 26: Growing Through Temptation
This is a good devotion on how to deal with temptation.

Day 27: Defeating Temptation
Here are some helpful strategies for dealing with temptation.

Day 28: It Takes Time
This is a good devotion on growing toward maturity. Patience is key


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